Hi there! Ish hier.

Long time no see, right? In about two months already one year, to be precise. It was on
12 March 2020, only one day before our country went into lockdown for the first time.
For some of the finance professionals who were present, FINfuture2020 was the last “live event”
they have attended ever since! At this moment, a lot of things are unsure, but luckily
there is one certainty: Covid won’t be able to crash the party this year. Check out why 😉

Finfuture - what's in a name?

FINfuture is a synonym for Ufinity’s finance & digitisation fair, which will be taking place for the 4th time. It started as a fair for managing partners of SME who wanted to know more about solutions on automation and digitisation, carried by our business unit &Robin. Nowadays, it is a large-scale fair with focus on finance processes.

FINfuture goes digital

For the first time in four editions, FINfuture will be a full-blown online event. We changed the format, because we want to keep the event as doable, inspiring and efficient as always. The fair itself has become a series of “Elevator Pitches” and we have transformed the breakout sessions into “Finspirational Lunch Sessions”.

  • “Elevator Pitches” | Thursday 4 March

Each partner gets the chance to present its “Why for the finance team” during an Elevator Pitch of five minutes. Afterwards, the participators get the chance to subscribe for those Lunch Sessions they want to know more about.

  • “Finspirational Lunch Sessions” | Monday 8 March – Friday 19 March

Each day, Ufinity will organise two Lunch Sessions, one from 11u30 until 12u30 and one from 12u30 until 13u30. During those sessions, a partner company gets 45 minutes to present its solution via for example a demo or a use case, followed by 15 minutes of Q&A.

The price for a partner company to participate is € 150 excl. VAT.


Your solution for the finance team gets the visibility it deserves via: Ufinity’s network of finance professionals. We have 11 years of experience in the matter. The edition of 2021 will find place in a fully Covid-proof and online way.


Thursday 4 March
“Elevator Pitches”

Monday 8 March – Friday 19 March
“Finspirational Lunch Sessions”

For whom?

The solution your company offers for the finance team, is qualitative and takes automation, digitisation and reporting into account. Thanks to Ufinity’s event, you get in touch with the company’s decision-makers in finance.

Partners of 2020

Standhouders 2020

Interested to be a partner? Let us know!

    Any questions? Please contact us!

    Dominique is our rock for the better running, jumping, flying and diving within Ufinity. This cheerful, sporty lady is the point of contact for a thousand and one things. She loves a challenge and is a crack at keeping an overview, that much is clear!

    Get to know me