
For a future-proof finance team with digital insights,analytical skills and an objective helicopter view, you can count on our young potentials, also known as youngsters.

Ufinity consultants

In order to keep your team up and running, new and fresh insights are necessary. That is why we have the ufinitYoungsters-traineeship: recent graduates in finance or juniors with a maximum of 3 years experience.

Our young talent is eager to learn and open-minded. They have the skills necessary in the 21st century. We – from our side – provide the match & follow-up and take care of their training & coaching.

Reference AKKA Technologies

Tom Van der Auwera | Head internal audit @AKKA Technologies

“We have a recently graduated young potential working for of us, Britt. At the beginning, she took care of our daily cash management on the treasury department.”

“Today she is working internationally on the internal audit department. This way-of-working fits our culture perfectly. Our company focuses on stimulating young talent, so that they take initiative and grow in their role.”

More info?

If we had to describe Lien in three words, we would choose professional, funny and straight to the point. After years of experience in aftersales and business development, she now joins our team as Business Manager.

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