Looking for a paid traineeship in finance?
Are you recently graduated or junior in finance and would you like to work as a finance consultant?
Then you can count on our traineeship for young potentials. You get acquainted with the entire finance department and grow into the role of junior finance consultant.
The financial world is broad, changing and therefore fascinating. You are curious, digital native and most of all… you are eager to learn! But, as a young graduate or junior in finance, you are facing the challenge of finding the company and the function that fits you. You want to make the right choice & that is everything but easy.
That is why we have our ufinitYoungsters-traineeship. You will be working for one of our customers, under ufinity’s supervision. You get acquainted with everything finance has to offer you: accouting, treasury, controlling, credit and maybe even audit and M&A. That way, you can discover which topic(s) in finance interest you the most as a junior finance consultant.
More information?
Would you get to know more about our traineeship or about the job of project consultant in general? Contact our colleague Ine.
Ine has extensive experience in recruiting and staffing financial and commercial professionals and is recognized by many CFOs and CEOs for her transparent operation and open communication.
Get to know me
Ine Meeussen
Founder & Managing Partner